The VIVO Harvester went live as 1.0 yesterday! Its been a long process going from a simple concept of ETL into a library of tools for moving data from various formats into a RDF data store. We still have a long way to go and many tasks on the table: integration into the VIVO GUI, inclusion of more National data sources, better disambiguation algorithms. Check out the release announcement.
The VIVO Harvester team is pleased to announce the availability of release 1.0 of the VIVO Harvester. The release is the result of alot of hard work on the behalf of our wonderful testers and contributors. Many thanks is given to all of your for help. This release brings a major rework and upgrade from the 0.7 series of the harvester. See the included changelog inside the package for full details. There is a growing set of documentation to be found on the sourceforge wiki. A great place to start learning more about the harvester can be found here:
You can find the tarball and debian package on sourceforge here; http://sourceforge.net/projects/vivo/files/VIVO%20Harvester/harvester-1.0.deb/download
As always, the team is available for questions and feedback via this list or IRC -- http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=VIVO&uio=Mj10cnVlJjQ9dHJ1ZSY5PXRydWUmMTE9MjM2JjEyPXRydWUe5y
Finally, if your curious about testing VIVO or the harvester without the hassle of setting up a new server, the updated version of the Virtual Appliance is now available. It contains both VIVO 1.2 and the VIVO Harvester 1.0.